
Dr Tom Young
GRO - Green Roof Organisation
Tom Young has been a GRO Board member for the last 3 years. His career in green roofs began in 2010 at the University of Sheffield where he studied a PhD green roof substrate design. He was the lead author of the first UK British Standard on green roof substrate testing, and helped up the UK’s first dedicated green roof substrate text laboratory. He regularly write a column in Greenscapes magazine which summarises academic green roof research into easy to digest summaries in order to try and bridge the gap between academic and the industry. A major passion of his is greening any structure possible in domestic settings, and educating people on how best to do this. He is currently a green and blue infrastructure consultant at TEP, a multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy.
27-Sep-2023Seminar Theatre 3Green Roofs: How to Successfully Use Green Structures in a Domestic Setting